“I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of the parents in Reception for being so supportive with the children’s home learning activities this week. Our topic this half term is ‘Rumble in the Jungle’. We have been focusing on activities inspired by the story of ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and ‘Elmer’.

Millan found out some facts about Africa using his globe, and created a wonderful safari with his construction toys. Noor went on a ‘colour hunt’ and found objects for every colour in the ‘Elmer’ story. He extended his learning further by counting how many objects he found ‘altogether’ and was able to tell me which colour group had the ‘most’ and which had the ‘least’. Myla sorted foods into ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ groups, and selected healthy options for her ‘lunchbox’. Zahara-Mae followed instructions to make a healthy strawberry smoothie. Ajab filled out her capacity worksheet independently (giving each animal the correct amount of ‘milkshake’) and was able to tell me when a container was ’empty’, ‘half full’ or ‘full’. Finally, Azlan has sequenced the pictures from the story of ‘Elmer’ independently, and written some wonderful sentences to talk about what happened in the story.

These are just some of the activites the children have been doing at home this week. Teaching and learning via ‘Zoom’ has proved tricky for everyone. The children have worked exceptionally hard and should be so proud of themselves.”